1. Fedguy
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Off Topic
  4. Tuesday, 21 November 2017
As we approach the big event, a lot of other revelations are coming.

We get to find out about the Thinker and hopefully why he is a danger.

The Legends are up to another adventure, with nothing to do with the plot but fun nonetheless.

I have no clue what Arrow is about nowadays, especially since Oliver Queen is not even the Green Arrow and that should ring some alarm bells. Truth be told I don't know how the show will sustain itself any longer.

Fedguy's ratings on DCTV's Seasonal Health:

Supergirl - Season 3 : A-
The Flash - Season 4 : A-
Legends of Tomorrow - Season 3 : A
Arrow - Season 6 : C+
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
So full review on thursday after arrow but...

Flash: Devoe is interesting, very unusual for a flash villain too. Hope they dont screw him up.

Legends. This is how you make a former villain sympathetic. Mick's story was very well done tonight. Its hard to believe that not that long ago he was an enemy of Barry...but now he stands truly with the good guys and you feel bad learning about his past and his hero friends want to support him.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
So previously I voiced worries about DeVoe being a Supergirl Season 2 type villain, one who is harmless and just waiting to get wrecked.

I was wrong.

DeVoe is bloody terrifying, or at least that is how the episode makes one feel. I don't know what his goal or his plan is (sounds like he wants to make everyone smart), but if the rest of the season do justice to the foreshadowing done by this episode then he will eclipse all the evil speedsters in villainy.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
So previously I voiced worries about DeVoe being a Supergirl Season 2 type villain, one who is harmless and just waiting to get wrecked.

I was wrong.

DeVoe is bloody terrifying, or at least that is how the episode makes one feel. I don't know what his goal or his plan is (sounds like he wants to make everyone smart), but if the rest of the season do justice to the foreshadowing done by this episode then he will eclipse all the evil speedsters in villainy.

We havent had a married super villain pair in a while, last time I think was Darkh and his wife but she wasnt as prominent as Devoe's wife here. Also interesting that we are given glimpses that they do care about each other genuinely. Also Thawne's brief interaction with Devoe was a genius callback to season 1.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 3
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