I saw this on Instagram. Looks like the crew at CW 43 in Cleveland, aka WUAB-TV will have to do some changes. This picture is outside the station studios at the Reserve Square building in Downtown Cleveland. It also houses the station that first aired Supergirl, CBS 19 WOIO. Both stations are owned by Gray Television.
Ironically, when both stations were independents (including WOIO's time as The Land's Fox station) they were rivals. And there's lots of super things about the stations.
When WOIO signed on in 1985 one of the first shows they aired was the George Reeves Superman show. WUAB was a regional superstation being seen on cable systems in other parts of Ohio outside Cleveland. One of their on-air hosts Marty Sullivan (since retired) played the character of SuperHost!
And Jerry Siegel, one of the co-creators of Superman...born in Cleveland.
WUAB stands for
Broadcasting, which first put the station on the air in 1968.