Since I have assumed the post of threadstarter for the other shows I believe it’s appropriate I created this.
I was going to make a thread for the whole event but looks like the Supergirl portion is already taken. Damn you evrafter (jokes we baes).
Anyhow 75% of the event is on other shows so I expect plenty to talk about.
In the attached article I posted in the Part 1 thread there was something interesting that Grant said about The Flash episode "At least [on] The Flash side of things, we stick with the comedy we've had all year," said Gustin. "That still exists within the crossover."
It will be interesting to observe whether each of the shows keep their specific season tone.
We know the my man Mick Rory will be dishing out the one-liners, should be a lot of fun. Wonder if he'll Kara "Skirt" again.
According to Stephen Amell “you can’t tell what episode is what episode”. For me the biggest problem with “invasion” was they tried to make a crossover episode of three shows and confined the plots and tones of each show to that shows timeslot. My hope is they’ve thrown that rule out. In four hours, well three hours without commercials, it’s possible to shift tones to match each show but do it when the story calls for it not necessarily during that shows timeslot. It’s also easy to fit plot lines from each show where it fits the story. I think the biggest clue that we’re going to get continuous story is Barry and Iris’s big wedding ceremony isn’t taking place during the Flash timeslot
I think every show will be effected by the events of next week. From a Supergirl perspective Kara will have at least one good talk with her superfriend Barry and probably Oliver too that causes her to rethink this “giving up certain vulnerabilities” thing she’s doing. Barry and Oliver are two more people in her life who have unique perspectives that she can relate to. Both men understand what heroes sacrifice to do what they do. I also think interacting with Overgirl will be kinda a “scared straight” experience for Kara. Seeing a mirror image of herself devoid of feelings will give Kara a taste of what she could become and she won’t like it one bit. Alex’s fling with Sara will help her grieve the life she thought she was going to have with Maggie and hopefully allow her to embrace new possibilities. From a Flash perspective all I want is by 10pm Tuesday night Barry and Iris are married, I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t quite happen during the first hour but the last.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
I'm so ready for the crossover - I know I won't be able to fall asleep quickly after watching the first two parts, so I booked the Tuesday as a day off from work (can't book the Wednesday, bah). I'm in Mountain Time but the CW feed we get here is PST, therefore Supergirl starts at 9pm local time.
I expect a lot of after show discussion not only here but on Youtube, etc.
I expect a lot of after show discussion not only here but on Youtube, etc.

SUCH a great fours hours!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Totally cohesive. Never felt compartmentalized like last year.
Anybody else catch Blake Neely adding "Edelweiss" (made famous in The Sound Of Music) playing softly under his score as the evil Quinton Lance came into the prison camp?? Wow oh wow oh wow!!
Standing O to Melissa!! One thing I kept thinking?... "Wow!! It really looks like the same person in the same shot yet they seem totally different!!" I mean we've ALL seen old movies, music videos, and tv shows where the same actor was playing 2 different parts in the same shot looking at each other (i.e. Phoebe on friends talking to her twin), but everything always has looked "off" to me. But with Melissa, the shots looked completely seamless!
And I got everything I could hope for from Melissa and Chyler sister moments. Well, I WOULD have liked to see Alex's reaction watching Kara falling back to Earth... and a one-on-one between Alex and Overgirl. But... Loved everything we DID get to see.
Final score from me: a total 20 out of 10...WAY WAY above what I was expecting from this or ANY crossover.
Anybody else catch Blake Neely adding "Edelweiss" (made famous in The Sound Of Music) playing softly under his score as the evil Quinton Lance came into the prison camp?? Wow oh wow oh wow!!
Standing O to Melissa!! One thing I kept thinking?... "Wow!! It really looks like the same person in the same shot yet they seem totally different!!" I mean we've ALL seen old movies, music videos, and tv shows where the same actor was playing 2 different parts in the same shot looking at each other (i.e. Phoebe on friends talking to her twin), but everything always has looked "off" to me. But with Melissa, the shots looked completely seamless!
And I got everything I could hope for from Melissa and Chyler sister moments. Well, I WOULD have liked to see Alex's reaction watching Kara falling back to Earth... and a one-on-one between Alex and Overgirl. But... Loved everything we DID get to see.
Final score from me: a total 20 out of 10...WAY WAY above what I was expecting from this or ANY crossover.
The first night was amazing the second was very good. I think it the reason the first night was better for me was because in the second night everyone was separated for a good portion, I get it was necessary but it lessoned my enjoyment a notch. That must have been some serious red sun radiation to not only render Kara powerless but weaken her so badly. Last year under the red sun of slavers moon she was basically like a human on Earth. Shout out to General Schlot of the resistance. Stein's death was heartbreaking even though I knew it was coming because Victor Garber was leaving.
This years crossover was a huge improvement over last years and I'm satisfied. From a Supergirl perspective both sisters are going home with new perspectives. Kara faced an evil heartless version of herself and came close to death by losing the heart she's been trying to get rid of. Alex realizes there are new and wonderful experiences ahead of her. I hope this isn't the last time Alex and Sara meet, I don't see them as a couple but you can never have too many friends. This won't magically make things all better but I hope their experiences on different Earths is a turning point for both sisters. We did find out in the coolest way that knowing Mon-El is alive is allowing Kara to sleep.
I'm going to be interested to see how bright the \S/ is next week.
This years crossover was a huge improvement over last years and I'm satisfied. From a Supergirl perspective both sisters are going home with new perspectives. Kara faced an evil heartless version of herself and came close to death by losing the heart she's been trying to get rid of. Alex realizes there are new and wonderful experiences ahead of her. I hope this isn't the last time Alex and Sara meet, I don't see them as a couple but you can never have too many friends. This won't magically make things all better but I hope their experiences on different Earths is a turning point for both sisters. We did find out in the coolest way that knowing Mon-El is alive is allowing Kara to sleep.
I'm going to be interested to see how bright the \S/ is next week.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
Just saw the entire 4 part crossover. Way better than last year. Haven't the chance to go thru the tread yet, but a lingering question is, if Overgirl went kaboom, how is she in the CW seed series. Melissa is supposed to be voicing her. I really liked the actor who played ray, and Snart was hilarious. Overall impression is that I really liked the crossover event, but fell short of loving it. Stephen Amell was really a standout in this crossover, as was Melissa's Overgirl. W. Mericle wasn't wrong when she said that the crossover was really Oliver's story.
Seem to me thought that they still haven't really solved the Kara/Supergirl problem. Both Overgirl and Kara were essentially taken out of the game for most of it, although I am happy that they gave her the big save at the end, flying Overgirl out to space in a spectacular explosion. Barry had a similar problem. These 2 are never really going to be allowed to use their potential in these epic crossovers.
Other thing is, I want an Arrow/Supergirl crossover that is on a more grounded level, and then I'd like a Flash/Supergirl crossover that allows Barry and Kara to use their full strength and skills without any watering down. That can only happen if they are taken out of their familiar environment and in a truly hostile space. Maybe a trip where they are stranded in time and location with metahumans galore. Maybe a forgotten Metahuman Colony?!?
Next big crossover, I hope they do in on Earth 38. I need to see the SG cast involved right along Supergirl. Especially MM.
Another rambling thought. I LOVED General Schott. Loved seeing Winn not giving an inch and prioritizing his people first and foremost. I would have been so annoyed had he given into Alex. What can I say, just loved seeing Winn like this.
Wished they hadn't left out Kara for the double wedding tho, that she was there to witness it.
Man, I'm still reeling over Stephen's Dark Archer. He did such a great job.
Highlights for me were
Kara singing off course
The Overgirl Meltdown in Space
The Sonic Clap was awesome
Barry and Ray chasing down Red Tornado
GA kicking butt with his arrow while going through a breach
Anytime Melissa or Stephen was on screen minus the Shipping parts.
And fav tongue in cheek moment.
"General, would you care to step outside." along with that pose. That was a treasure.
Seem to me thought that they still haven't really solved the Kara/Supergirl problem. Both Overgirl and Kara were essentially taken out of the game for most of it, although I am happy that they gave her the big save at the end, flying Overgirl out to space in a spectacular explosion. Barry had a similar problem. These 2 are never really going to be allowed to use their potential in these epic crossovers.
Other thing is, I want an Arrow/Supergirl crossover that is on a more grounded level, and then I'd like a Flash/Supergirl crossover that allows Barry and Kara to use their full strength and skills without any watering down. That can only happen if they are taken out of their familiar environment and in a truly hostile space. Maybe a trip where they are stranded in time and location with metahumans galore. Maybe a forgotten Metahuman Colony?!?
Next big crossover, I hope they do in on Earth 38. I need to see the SG cast involved right along Supergirl. Especially MM.
Another rambling thought. I LOVED General Schott. Loved seeing Winn not giving an inch and prioritizing his people first and foremost. I would have been so annoyed had he given into Alex. What can I say, just loved seeing Winn like this.
Wished they hadn't left out Kara for the double wedding tho, that she was there to witness it.
Man, I'm still reeling over Stephen's Dark Archer. He did such a great job.
Highlights for me were
Kara singing off course
The Overgirl Meltdown in Space
The Sonic Clap was awesome
Barry and Ray chasing down Red Tornado
GA kicking butt with his arrow while going through a breach
Anytime Melissa or Stephen was on screen minus the Shipping parts.
And fav tongue in cheek moment.
"General, would you care to step outside." along with that pose. That was a treasure.
This is my review of things for Parts 1 and 2
REVIEW…Crisis on Earth X Part 1/2
POLITCAL PENALTY…2.0 Make America Aryan Again! Really?!
BONUS…Melissa Benoist singing as Barry and Iris walk down the aisle…it seems that it is always a bonus. Her first singing attempt in the crossover was weak; then again she was scared for her life as Supergirl and Kara. Singing Running Home to You from the Flash musical crossover was with more of a ballet dancer feeling. And it TRULY showed Melissa’s singing voice. It was moving, lovely…and should be made into a record for download…or even vinyl. If there is a recording studio in Vancouver or if Blake Neely’s LA studio needs to be used…utilize it ASAP.(1.0)
The SUPER CLAP…a yet undiscovered power (0.5)
The awesome suit-up sequence in Arrow punctuated by one of the best shirt-rips by Supergirl. (1.0)
SCORE…19.5/20 (for the two shows put together)
Despite a big political penalty which will get independents, conservatives and libertarians angry, it was the only gripe I had.
What if World War II had been won by the Axis Powers led by the Nazis? That nightmare scenario led some revisionist historians at DC Comics to create a so called 53rd Earth, Earth-X. And that Earth invades Earth-38 National City, Earth-1 Star City and Earth-1 Central City in the present time in the much anticipated Crisis on Earth X four show crossover.
We start on Earth-X where what you think you see The Green Arrow…you don’t. It’s really Dark Arrow. Any plans to turn Earth-X around are met with resistance, even the death of some way
Meanwhile the gang from all four shows are on their adventures while getting ready for the wedding. Each one was done in their own little cool way…even Arrow with snappy writing and upbeat music. Meanwhile, the ladies get all dolled up…and Kara has trouble with the nail file. Meanwhile Barry gets decked out and has a good chat with Oliver. And Barry assumes the wise mentor role.
At STAR Labs, Cisco creates something to deal with Firestorm. Whichever one takes Cisco and Harry’s serum bye bye Firestorm. Back on Earth-X, the master plan is being folded by Dark Arrow. And then in comes Overgirl. And Melissa Benoist sounds so scary under that mask with the sonovox. Frankly hearing Melissa sing could make me cry.
At STAR Labs, Caitlyn and Martin meet for a chat…and it’s a sad one for the now Killer Frost about Ronnie. At CC Jittters the gang have a party where Alex and Sara meet…and drink, Kara and Barry talk about life and other things…and Mick just LOVES to eat!
Firestorm then talk about what happens after the drink should it be taken. It’s possible Jax could become a superhero with sticking powers…lots of Spider-Man talk in this…I know M company
Joe then offers up a speech for all in attendance about the couple. And then he talks about himself and his life. Jesse L Martin delivers it like the proudest dad would ever do. He then brings Cecile in.
Meanwhile outside…Alex and Sara get to know each other! Then Oliver pops the question to Felicity and she handles it in her usual manner. And then…SHE OPENS HER BIG MOUTH again yelling to all in attendance she won’t marry Oliver. Is one of the original ships in danger?
And so it’s the wedding day. And Kara and Alex have a little talk over her little fling with Sara. As all the guests come in Barry runs in to someone who may have a weird connection to Barry and Iris. Rumors on Twitter say…it's Barry and Iris' daughter from the future. Barry, did you...?.
Then as Iris comes down the aisle, Kara grants Barry’s wish by singing. And she comes through with her version of Running Home To You.
As things get underway and the minister, believe it or not WIlliam Katt from Greatest American Hero asks if anyone should give any reason why this should not happen…and sure enough…EARTH-X invades, led by Overgirl. And then…IT’S WAR!
Highlights, Kara fighting in her dress and flying in it to take on her evil counterpart.
Back at STAR Labs, the carnage is assessed and a mad stranger, namely Prometheus Tommy Merlin is brought in to the prison. Cisco is in the ICU thanks to a concussion and Caitlyn shows herself to being Killer Frost to Stein.
As Arrow begins Dark Arrow and Overgirl meet at a building and unveil themselves after Prometheus was attacked. And Reverse Flash or Eobard Thawne reveals himself
At STAR Labs Earth-X is explained by Harry. Oliver talks to Tommy who would have been his friend on X.
Then Tommy Merlin gave a nuttyounding like Al-Qaeda and ISIS making final plans for the caliphate! Tommy then swallows a pill…which kills him.
On Earth X Dark Ollie gets word of Merlin’s death. And even the villains are having major issues.
The plot is about a prism…a doomsday device which is meant to destroy all people regardless of who they are. Dark Kara and Dark Ollie…ARE AN ITEM?! YIKES
At STAR Labs Felicity and Curits line up a plan. Good guy Ollie and Felicity have another wedding talk…Ivytown is brought up and Olicity tries to right this sinking ship…seems that was done. Jax, Wells and Caitlyn talk geek. As Martin comes in…he talks to Jax about life and being Firestorm, which ends sadly.
Sara and Alex meanwhile talk about the events of last time. And Alex seems so sick after her one night fling with Sara. Kara and Alex talk about their life and Alex about Maggie. You have to love the Alex/Kara link. Iris and Felicity talk about things as well.
Then an alert for the Nazi invasion comes in. Meanwhile, Flash, Arrow and Supergirl meet at some location in Central City. But after Arrow reminds his partners in the new terrific trio about not having any speed…THE EVIL THREE SHOW UP…AND ARE OUR HEROES EVER SHOCKED. They have seen the future…and it’s not good.
As the six meet, the venom of the Earth-Xers became more prevalent. To leave a calling card, the evil three crumble a building under construction. The heroic three rebuild it. As it is Arrow’s show, he uses a series of strong cable arrows to secure the building while the Flash gets the workers to safety and Supergirl does her thing. But Arrow does most of the work which makes sense in his part of the crossover. Then Green Arrow uses a kryptonite arrow to weaken and injure Overgirl. How and why he has it…that’s a mystery only the writers seem to know,
At STAR, an analysis shows Supergirl X’s blood is contaminated, Iris and Barry fear over Thawne’s return. This was the man who killed Barry’s mom. Meanwhile, Mick tries to get it on with Caitlyn. Then we get the most AWESOME suit-up.
And Rory always brings the laughs…MUSTARD?!
As a fight breaks out somewhere in Central City…it’s really all a ploy to capture Felicity and Iris…all by Dark Arrow despite Heat Wave and Killer Frost’s efforts and team Arrow’s. Back at the warehouse, Metallo reappears and zaps Supergirl with Kryptonite sending her, Alex, Flash, Arrow and Sara to defeat. But as X-Kara and the evil ones celebrate, X-Kara gets weak, but X-Oliver finds the solution to everything…38-Kara. Too much sun is killing X-Kara and 38-Kara’s blood is the solution.
Then, the captured heroes are sent to Earth-X to meet their doom without their powerhouse Supergirl weakened by Metallo’s K-rock blast. The only people not taken are the brides to be Felicity and Iris. What can they do? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?
(Organ, Jackson Beck) How can Supergirl, Arrow, Flash and company find a way to not only escape Earth-X, but beat Overgirl and company and save Earth 38 and Earth 1 from certain doom? And what about the marriages? Will they be allowed to happen, and yes that includes Olicity? And what about The Ray and Earth-X doppelgangers of people like Winn?
The answers lie ahead in tomorrow’s two part finale with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow fellows and girls. So don't forget to tune in tomorrow, Same X-Time, Same X-Channel.
Part one of the crossover marked a milestone for Supergirl…this is her golden episode number 50. and it was as good as said material..Arrow was as well.
REVIEW…Crisis on Earth X Part 1/2
POLITCAL PENALTY…2.0 Make America Aryan Again! Really?!
BONUS…Melissa Benoist singing as Barry and Iris walk down the aisle…it seems that it is always a bonus. Her first singing attempt in the crossover was weak; then again she was scared for her life as Supergirl and Kara. Singing Running Home to You from the Flash musical crossover was with more of a ballet dancer feeling. And it TRULY showed Melissa’s singing voice. It was moving, lovely…and should be made into a record for download…or even vinyl. If there is a recording studio in Vancouver or if Blake Neely’s LA studio needs to be used…utilize it ASAP.(1.0)
The SUPER CLAP…a yet undiscovered power (0.5)
The awesome suit-up sequence in Arrow punctuated by one of the best shirt-rips by Supergirl. (1.0)
SCORE…19.5/20 (for the two shows put together)
Despite a big political penalty which will get independents, conservatives and libertarians angry, it was the only gripe I had.
What if World War II had been won by the Axis Powers led by the Nazis? That nightmare scenario led some revisionist historians at DC Comics to create a so called 53rd Earth, Earth-X. And that Earth invades Earth-38 National City, Earth-1 Star City and Earth-1 Central City in the present time in the much anticipated Crisis on Earth X four show crossover.
We start on Earth-X where what you think you see The Green Arrow…you don’t. It’s really Dark Arrow. Any plans to turn Earth-X around are met with resistance, even the death of some way
Meanwhile the gang from all four shows are on their adventures while getting ready for the wedding. Each one was done in their own little cool way…even Arrow with snappy writing and upbeat music. Meanwhile, the ladies get all dolled up…and Kara has trouble with the nail file. Meanwhile Barry gets decked out and has a good chat with Oliver. And Barry assumes the wise mentor role.
At STAR Labs, Cisco creates something to deal with Firestorm. Whichever one takes Cisco and Harry’s serum bye bye Firestorm. Back on Earth-X, the master plan is being folded by Dark Arrow. And then in comes Overgirl. And Melissa Benoist sounds so scary under that mask with the sonovox. Frankly hearing Melissa sing could make me cry.
At STAR Labs, Caitlyn and Martin meet for a chat…and it’s a sad one for the now Killer Frost about Ronnie. At CC Jittters the gang have a party where Alex and Sara meet…and drink, Kara and Barry talk about life and other things…and Mick just LOVES to eat!
Firestorm then talk about what happens after the drink should it be taken. It’s possible Jax could become a superhero with sticking powers…lots of Spider-Man talk in this…I know M company
Joe then offers up a speech for all in attendance about the couple. And then he talks about himself and his life. Jesse L Martin delivers it like the proudest dad would ever do. He then brings Cecile in.
Meanwhile outside…Alex and Sara get to know each other! Then Oliver pops the question to Felicity and she handles it in her usual manner. And then…SHE OPENS HER BIG MOUTH again yelling to all in attendance she won’t marry Oliver. Is one of the original ships in danger?
And so it’s the wedding day. And Kara and Alex have a little talk over her little fling with Sara. As all the guests come in Barry runs in to someone who may have a weird connection to Barry and Iris. Rumors on Twitter say…it's Barry and Iris' daughter from the future. Barry, did you...?.
Then as Iris comes down the aisle, Kara grants Barry’s wish by singing. And she comes through with her version of Running Home To You.
As things get underway and the minister, believe it or not WIlliam Katt from Greatest American Hero asks if anyone should give any reason why this should not happen…and sure enough…EARTH-X invades, led by Overgirl. And then…IT’S WAR!
Highlights, Kara fighting in her dress and flying in it to take on her evil counterpart.
Back at STAR Labs, the carnage is assessed and a mad stranger, namely Prometheus Tommy Merlin is brought in to the prison. Cisco is in the ICU thanks to a concussion and Caitlyn shows herself to being Killer Frost to Stein.
As Arrow begins Dark Arrow and Overgirl meet at a building and unveil themselves after Prometheus was attacked. And Reverse Flash or Eobard Thawne reveals himself
At STAR Labs Earth-X is explained by Harry. Oliver talks to Tommy who would have been his friend on X.
Then Tommy Merlin gave a nuttyounding like Al-Qaeda and ISIS making final plans for the caliphate! Tommy then swallows a pill…which kills him.
On Earth X Dark Ollie gets word of Merlin’s death. And even the villains are having major issues.
The plot is about a prism…a doomsday device which is meant to destroy all people regardless of who they are. Dark Kara and Dark Ollie…ARE AN ITEM?! YIKES
At STAR Labs Felicity and Curits line up a plan. Good guy Ollie and Felicity have another wedding talk…Ivytown is brought up and Olicity tries to right this sinking ship…seems that was done. Jax, Wells and Caitlyn talk geek. As Martin comes in…he talks to Jax about life and being Firestorm, which ends sadly.
Sara and Alex meanwhile talk about the events of last time. And Alex seems so sick after her one night fling with Sara. Kara and Alex talk about their life and Alex about Maggie. You have to love the Alex/Kara link. Iris and Felicity talk about things as well.
Then an alert for the Nazi invasion comes in. Meanwhile, Flash, Arrow and Supergirl meet at some location in Central City. But after Arrow reminds his partners in the new terrific trio about not having any speed…THE EVIL THREE SHOW UP…AND ARE OUR HEROES EVER SHOCKED. They have seen the future…and it’s not good.
As the six meet, the venom of the Earth-Xers became more prevalent. To leave a calling card, the evil three crumble a building under construction. The heroic three rebuild it. As it is Arrow’s show, he uses a series of strong cable arrows to secure the building while the Flash gets the workers to safety and Supergirl does her thing. But Arrow does most of the work which makes sense in his part of the crossover. Then Green Arrow uses a kryptonite arrow to weaken and injure Overgirl. How and why he has it…that’s a mystery only the writers seem to know,
At STAR, an analysis shows Supergirl X’s blood is contaminated, Iris and Barry fear over Thawne’s return. This was the man who killed Barry’s mom. Meanwhile, Mick tries to get it on with Caitlyn. Then we get the most AWESOME suit-up.
And Rory always brings the laughs…MUSTARD?!
As a fight breaks out somewhere in Central City…it’s really all a ploy to capture Felicity and Iris…all by Dark Arrow despite Heat Wave and Killer Frost’s efforts and team Arrow’s. Back at the warehouse, Metallo reappears and zaps Supergirl with Kryptonite sending her, Alex, Flash, Arrow and Sara to defeat. But as X-Kara and the evil ones celebrate, X-Kara gets weak, but X-Oliver finds the solution to everything…38-Kara. Too much sun is killing X-Kara and 38-Kara’s blood is the solution.
Then, the captured heroes are sent to Earth-X to meet their doom without their powerhouse Supergirl weakened by Metallo’s K-rock blast. The only people not taken are the brides to be Felicity and Iris. What can they do? WHAT WILL HAPPEN?
(Organ, Jackson Beck) How can Supergirl, Arrow, Flash and company find a way to not only escape Earth-X, but beat Overgirl and company and save Earth 38 and Earth 1 from certain doom? And what about the marriages? Will they be allowed to happen, and yes that includes Olicity? And what about The Ray and Earth-X doppelgangers of people like Winn?
The answers lie ahead in tomorrow’s two part finale with The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow fellows and girls. So don't forget to tune in tomorrow, Same X-Time, Same X-Channel.
Part one of the crossover marked a milestone for Supergirl…this is her golden episode number 50. and it was as good as said material..Arrow was as well.
As expected I probably fell asleep not until 1 a.m. just thinking of what I saw on TV last night.
I'm soooo happy and satisfied so far.
Tommy Merlin in the containment unit was probably one of the best scenes in the Arrow episode. That was a great and emotional scene. Collin Donnell was said to have hopped on a plane after his day job, and after filming his role in Arrow, flew back again to work the next day.
"Just a reminder - Super speed. I don't have it." was probably the funniest line in the episode.
I'm soooo happy and satisfied so far.
Tommy Merlin in the containment unit was probably one of the best scenes in the Arrow episode. That was a great and emotional scene. Collin Donnell was said to have hopped on a plane after his day job, and after filming his role in Arrow, flew back again to work the next day.
"Just a reminder - Super speed. I don't have it." was probably the funniest line in the episode.

I have to say congratulations to all the staff, directors and actors because the scenes with the doppelgangers are smooth, i don't see the trick and it's good

I would spend all of my days on set watching the show being made
I'm in Mountain Time but the CW feed we get here is PST, therefore Supergirl starts at 9pm local time.
Ugh! That sucks, Triggy. I'm in Mountain Time, too, but theCW here comes on at 7pm local.
Makes my slightly salty that most of the heroes are from other shows. If every side hero from the other shows can come, why can they then not bring J'onn? It's still treat Supergirl as not an equal show to the others then. We need at least more than just Kara and Alex involved.
I guess it always comes down to the budget. I would believe rendering Martian Manhunter is very expensive and time consuming.
Makes my slightly salty that most of the heroes are from other shows. If every side hero from the other shows can come, why can they then not bring J'onn? It's still treat Supergirl as not an equal show to the others then. We need at least more than just Kara and Alex involved.
Sadly SG is still the least involved show by amount of characters coming
I think David Harewood was disappointed not to be involved, refer attached article.
Brierrose "From a Flash perspective all I want is by 10pm Tuesday night Barry and Iris are married", agreed, that would be the nicest end to the crossover.
I know what haaaappens. I know what haaaappens. Don't go on Twitter and scroll backwards. lol
Has anyone here watched and all caught up with the Man in the High Castle? Since it is a story about Multiverses, I like to think Earth-X is its actual future

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